maanantai 18. kesäkuuta 2018

Berlingo is now equiped with stove!

I did some serious compairing about real tandem cooksets with real gas. Got even small 5kg gastank, and went to great gas owens store in Vantaa #Kaasuvalo.

I told what I’m looking for and asked some help- well got help indeed- I should have different compartement for that kind of gastank etc- and my dear Berlingo shold be registered as a camper too(Finland)- its not, cos I’m using it as a normal car also. 

So I thanked him and started to think about having gas stove on my apartement- It can happen. Thank you I will be back.

Next plan is to go to Partioaitta and find something there. Partioaitta is outdoor gear shop famous to be favourite to Scouts (I was Scout several years in my child- and younghood).

I have now Trangia in the Berlingo, but I wanted to have something more effective (Need to have my coffee) and some style more for urban outdoorist and cowist, like I feel to be nowdays.

And I found it: Primus Onja Stove... 

So today I have just gathered some cooking ware and dreamed to go on the road again.

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